Finding healing: How emotions affect the physical body

Anytime I am treating any condition that a client presents with, the first thing I ask is: what emotional event occurred when the condition began?  Change your

The main reason for that is because the mind/body/spirit function as one. You cannot have an emotional disturbance without it affecting the body. That is how beautiful that body of yours is. It lets YOU know when you are out of balance, long before you realize it.

We have been conditioned to believe to push through, press on but the body will let you know when the heart and soul have been hurt. You can try to quiet the body, but it will only get louder until you notice it. Isn’t that a beautiful thing, to know your body’s pain/discomfort is only there to let you know you have something else going on that needs attention too.

Si Yuan (When your drink water, think of it’s source),


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My Heartbreak, Healing, and Hope

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