Hi friends! Today I want to check in with you… I am wondering what wonderful changes have happened in one year for you… OR what changes did you want, long for, yearn for and now you find yourself in the same place as you were a year ago.
This is not to point out that we’ve messed up…
It is to bring to light how patterned and conditioned we are to know that we want something different, something more, something life giving and inspiring and yet, for numerous reasons, we end up in the same place year after year.
I say, let’s stop that, NOW!!
Let’s really decide that we are doing something different, that we really are making the change, putting ourselves out there and showing up for US.
I know the yearly repeatable cycle all to well and it is the reason I am so passionate to help change it and bring light to what really wants to shine through you and for you. I have enjoyed and relished in the possibilities of life and what it offers us, after many long years of feeling the pain and the discontent of knowing, I thought, that it will never change, that I will live in misery all of my life, never enjoy or experience what I truly desired and that is just how it is.
And I want everyone to feel this life force that is energetic, creative, awe inspiring, compassionate, kind, flowing, free, expansive, knowing, true, clear, so damn good and as real as the thing you are reading this on.
Let’s do this, lets start a conversation here (in the comments below) and in person, one on one, in a safe group where we can really bring about change on what we “think” is in the way and lets then have a plan and a system, a proven, repeatable and successful system, to get out of the shit.
Lets start today!! Because every tomorrow is just a today that we let slip by.