Lean into the Wind

Nada Hogan Lean into the Wind

Lean into the Wind

Sometimes it feels like we have gale-force winds pushing against us. It’s normal and natural to cringe when we feel those winds of challenge smacking us in the face, or see what looks like an impossible circumstance we must overcome. Yet just like a bird or plane that gets lift by moving toward the wind, we learn to fly when we lean into the wind.

What We Resist Persists

Opportunity is always disguised as effort. When we’ve been facing a challenge for a long time, that opportunity may feel more daunting than inviting. But it is the resistance that creates the very opportunity we have been seeking.

Most of us either want that resistance to stop, or feel that we just need to push harder against it to conquer it. But, in doing so, we usually find that the more we fight it, the more it shows up for us. What we resist persists.

Create Lift in Your Life

When we feel ourselves pushing hard against challenges, that’s when it’s time for a new approach. Like a bird or plane, we can harness the power available to us through resistance by leaning into it. Rather than trying to conquer or eliminate the challenge, we can ask, “What has this come into my life to show or teach me?” 

When we begin to embrace the gifts that challenges bring us and learn to lean into the wind, we discover that instead of forcing us to the ground, the opportunity of that circumstance will actually begin to create lift in our lives and carry us to a whole new place. We begin to soar above the challenge!

So take a moment right now to ask yourself, “What feels like ‘resistance’ in my life right now? And what opportunity might it be inviting me to see?”

Share your insights in the comments so we can cheer you on! Happy flying!

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