You Really Don’t Have to Know How
You may have heard the saying, “Successful people take action without knowing what they’re doing.” In other words, you really don’t have to know how before you start!
This is not to be confused with not having a vision or goal in mind. In fact, it’s of utmost importance to have clear intentions of WHY you’re doing something before you start.
However, we should not allow ourselves to be bogged down by HOW we are going to do something. After all, it is impossible to always know how you’re going to do something before you actually do it.
Taking Action Shows You How
Let’s say you want to learn how to swim. You might pick up a few books or watch some videos on the topic of “learning to swim,” and study them for days. Then what? Well, at some point you have to jump into the pool and start doing it before you’ll truly know how to swim!
Or let’s say it’s after dark, and you decide to drive from Los Angeles to New York. You’ve got your destination in mind, and you have your GPS set, but all you can see in front of you is the next 200 feet. You can’t see the entire route. You don’t even know what’s around the corner or waiting for you 100 miles ahead. But if you get started, keep driving in the right direction, and check your progress as you go, you’ll eventually get to New York.
It’s been said that not even God can steer a parked car. It is only by taking action that you can learn from experience and be able to shift and correct as you go.
So the next time you find yourself struggling with taking action on something because you don’t know ALL the moves required, try taking one small step into the unknown. The discomfort you may feel is a sign that you are on the green growing edge of your becoming-ness, where success is waiting to welcome you!
What new thing are you looking to learn or do, but you’re holding back because you don’t know all the steps to get there? What one step could you take to simply start?