For Immediate Release
After reviewing the research about the extensive benefits of Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) therapy, I am THRILLED to announce that I have integrated the Dolphin Neurostimulation MPS device into my acupuncture practice and have achieved great results!
As the above video explains, the Dolphin Neurostim is a small, hand-held tool that produces MPS, which is virtually painless and aids in healing several physical, mental, and emotional dysfunctions that interfere with your Epic Life.
The treatment involves applying brief and concentrated microcurrent impulses to specific acupuncture points. This technique targets the root cause of pain and helps the body to reduce nervous system stress and stress hormones naturally. As a result, muscles relax, and the body’s natural painkillers are released, which helps to clear pain and initiate proper healing. MPS has been shown to provide relief from chronic pain, soft tissue damage, and concussions. Common conditions treated include:
- Arthritis
- Back pain/sciatica
- Neck pain
- Knee pain
- Bursitis
- Tendonitis
- Inflamed joints
- Sports injuries
- Menstrual cramps
MPS is also helpful for scar release therapy. Scars can lead to tightening of the surrounding tissue, limiting movement or function in the body. Such limitations can affect not only the joint, limb, or surrounding area, but also the underlying organs, as scar tissue can spread in any direction, including internally. Thankfully, releasing the scar can yield powerful results, including improved mobility, reduced complications, and decreased pain associated with deep scars. MPS is an effective method for releasing scars, particularly for large, deep, and painful scars.
The Dolphin Neurostim can also be used with additional tools to address issues such as increasing vagal tone (the gut-brain connection), gastrointestinal issues, heart disease, heart rate variability, calming the nervous system, depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
Impressively, the Dolphin Neurostim MPS device is approved by Health Canada (Canada’s equivalent of the US FDA) for treating long-haul COVID-19 symptoms and more!
Click here to learn more about all my acupuncture services. Ready to get back to your Epic Life now? Click or tap the button below to book your appointment today!
About Nada Hogan
Nada Hogan is often heard saying “Your heartbreak can heal you!” She knows this from personal experience. When her daughter, Darah, was 18 years old, she was killed in a car accident. Nada thought that she would die, too. But to her amazement, that tragedy propelled her to pursue a full and flourishing life without limits. Today, she helps people realize their dreams through holistic coaching and healing. As a Certified DreamBuilder® Coach and Life Mastery™ Consultant, as well as a Licensed Acupuncturist and Oriental Medicine Practitioner, Nada inspires and heals the whole person – mind, body, and spirit.