Antonia Van Becker: Balance and Awareness – Part 1

Antonia Van Becker: Balance and Awareness – Part 1

Take 25 minutes over lunch to feed your soul!

Antonia Van Becker and her husband, Greg Lee, are the creators of the Success Accelerator Code, which empowers clients by turning problems that block their success into Golden Opportunities so they can realize their dreams.

For 25 years, they’ve been using their signature CoreTalk therapy to guide conscious entrepreneurs and business owners toward successful outcomes by asking simple questions and getting life-changing answers. They love helping clients get past overwhelm, procrastination, self-doubt, and chronic health issues so they can have the business and impact they so deeply desire. 

Together since 1979, their 40-year relationship imbues their healing practice with love, body/mind consciousness, and emotional/energetic balance and awareness. They live their dream in the wilds of West Marin, California, healing others, growing food, and writing songs to inspire others to envision and realize their dreams.

In the first part of their conversation on Dare Ah New Belief, Nada and Antonia discuss: 

  1. Tips on the challenges of getting through overwhelm, procrastination, self-doubt, and trauma
  2. Mind, body, and soul working together for optimal self-health
  3. The unresolvedness in our lives can take residence in our bodies and create chronic health issues
  4. Getting your body and mind on one track with a clear vision
  5. Core-talk, the basic tool in her business, that can access the answers your body already knows
  6. At this level, the body can be a voice for the soul 

Key takeaways: 

  • Our brains create ruts that can keep us stuck, but we can create new, empowering pathways
  • Bring your thoughts right back here, right now, and breathe into the present…look around you and ask, “how am I right now?”
  • The profoundness of simplicity
  • Breathing is the positive trigger to bring you back into the calm space
  • Listen to your body to take the next right step
  • You can learn how to listen to your body and heal

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