
Welcome to the Dare Ah New Belief Podcast!

Nada Hogan Dare Ah New Belief Podcast

I dare you to dream bigger and discover what is possible for your life!

I’m your host, Nada Hogan, and I created this podcast as a tribute to the eternal power of love from my daughter, Darah, who was killed in a car accident when she was 18 years old. That devastating loss sparked an unexpected transformation in my own life, which I now enthusiastically and unabashedly share with the world to inspire epic living for everyone. 

My guests have also overcome hardship and loss to achieve more from life than they had ever imagined. I am continually inspired by their stories, and I know you will be, too!

You will learn how to become stronger than your pain and build an epic life from your epic loss by following universal and spiritual principles. Together we will cry, we will laugh, and we will embrace what this podcast is all about: LOVE. Love holds all together!

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My Heartbreak, Healing, and Hope

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