A Spring of Healing Follows A Winter of Grief

A Spring of Healing Follows a Winter of Grief

A Spring of Healing Follows a Winter of Grief

Shortly after the passing of my 18 year old daughter, Darah, I received a book signed by the author. The author wrote:

"Not even the harshest winter can withhold the promise of spring."

Even though those were sweet and endearing words, I didn’t believe it.

I knew that spring would come back, but my daughter wasn’t coming back.

You may be feeling the exact same way that I felt: angry, blindsided by life, and broken.

Discover the Gifts in Your Grief

I understand your unbearable pain.

I also promise you that there is life after the loss of your loved one.

That person that you love so much can be the catalyst to the greatest discovery of you and the gifts that you have of healing that lay inside of you.

You may discover parts of you that you only could discover because of that broken heart. There are gifts for you to discover!

Have you discovered new gifts after a devastating loss? Please share in the comments! I would love to hear about your transformation! 

My Heartbreak, Healing, and Hope

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